UHP Gauge - High pressure gauge indicating operating pressure. The high pressure gauge is the best way to quickly evaluate machine performance and the only way to truly know what the cutting pressure is. This is a high quality gauge for long life. Simply add a "T" to an existing line and put this at the end of a short nipple, as close to the head (but out of the way) as possible. Typically it is mounted above the head on the gantry for easy viewing or at the pump-end of the whip but high enough to easily see. It will become a key, valuable part to the machine.
1/4" F connection on bottom.
6" Diameter
New! Consider adding a 0.012" Dampener/Snubber to protect your gauge. It is a coned insert with a small, 0.012" hole. It protects the gauge by restricting water flow during sudden pressure spikes and shocks in the high-pressure lines.
Here's how to add it to your gauge: If SUPPLY LINE is 3/8" tubing: Use F300-P0201-0000 Adapter 3/8"F to 1/4"M plus the snubber #F300-P0674-0000, which replaces the coned insert.